среда, 14. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Independent list of opportunists

Inddependent list of opportunists (Croatia)

Directors : Vedran Senjanovic/Dejan Oblak

INDEPENDENT LIST OF OPPORTUNISTS is a documentary film which follows a candidature of a political option by the same name on the latest parliamentary elections in Croatia. The list is comprised from students of political sciences whose main political goal was the parody of the whole democratic electoral process of today’s Croatia. The main motivational moment for ’’INDEPENDENT LIST OF OPPORTUNISTS’’ was an interview broadcast on Croatian television, in which Split's mayor Željko Kerum said that he will put on the candidates list ''whomever he wants'', which mainly included his sister and his friends. INDEPENDENT LIST OF OPPORTUNISTS is inspired by an idea that many citizens don't know for whom to vote exactly, and that the system of parliamentary democracy resulted in impoverished two-party system without any imaginativeness and innovation. The film follows 14 candidates and the way they manage on the political terrain. They find contradictory information already in the first calls to GONG (election monitoring NGO) and DIP (State Electoral Commission), which confirms how little is known about electoral law, process of candidature and methods of political financing.

Runtime : 43min 41sec


Nezavisna lista oportunista (Hrvatska)

Dokumentarni film
Reditelji : Vedran Senjanović/Dejan Oblak

NEZAVISNA LISTA OPORTUNISTA je dokumentarni film koji prati kandidaturu jedne političke opcije sa istim imenom na najnovijim parlamentarnim izborima u Hrvatskoj. Lista je sastavljena od studenata političkih nauka čiji je glavni politički cilj  je parodija celog demokratskog izbornog procesa današnje Hrvatske. Glavni motivacioni trenutak za '' NEZAVISNZ LISTU OPOTRUNISTA '' je bio intervju emitovan na Hrvatskoj televiziji, u kojem splitski je gradonačelnik Željko Kerum rekao da će staviti na listu kandidata "koga hoće'", koja se uglavnom odnosi na njegovu sestru i njegove prijatelje. NEZAVISNA LISTA OPORTUNISTA je inspiriran idejom da mnogi građani ne znaju za koga da glasaju baš, i da je sistem parlamentarne demokratije je rezultirao  siromašnim sistemom dva lica bez maštovitost i inovativnost. Film prati 14 kandidata i način na koji oni opstaju na političkom terenu.Nalaze da su kontradiktorne informacije već u prvom poziva na GONG (praćenje izbora NVO) i DIP (Državna izborna komisija), što potvrđuje kako se malo zna o izbornom zakonu, proces kandidature i metodu političkog financiranja.